Clean = Prevention= Better Health
Washing your hands frequently and keeping dust bunnies at bay are things you can do to promote healthy living. We live in a world that we naturally share with germs and bacteria. We can protect ourselves from unnecessary illnesses and diseases, simply by taking precautions such as practicing cleanliness.
Because germs are transferable from one person to another as we work together, socialize together, travel and shop together. This is society. If you are going to be out and about and not be reclusive, then you may be at risk of catching a cold, or some other minor illness that is easily transferable and, can develop into something more serious like the flu.
Before you end up in the doctor’s office or make a visit to the emergency room, take some precautions on your own.
- Wash your hands frequently. Even if you feel like you are washing the skin off - WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY
- Use Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer or Hand Wipes when you cannot wash your hands as frequently as you like.
- When using a paper towel dispenser, dispense the paper towels before you wash your hands. After washing your hands, tear off the paper towels and dry your hands. In this way you will not touch the dispenser after you have washed your hands. Thus, no transfer of germs.
- Do not touch the door handle of a public restroom after washing your hands.
Use a paper towel or even your sleeve to open the door. There are millions of germs on that handle.
- Carry disposable wipes at all times. Wipe down anything that you might touch in a public place. For example, if you use a shopping cart at the grocery store, wipe down the cross bar that is used to push the cart. If you have a baby or a toddler, wipe down that entire seat, including the cross bar before you put your child in that seat.
- When using a touch pad at the bank or grocery self check out, use the stylus that is provided. Avoid using your finger unless you are wearing gloves. Some stores have a touch window that you must touch with your finger. Try to wear gloves or use hand sanitizer immediately afterwards.
- Of course, door handles anywhere are a breeding ground for germs. Sometimes, you cannot avoid touching the handle of the door of a public building, just remember to sanitize your hands or wear a pair of gloves. More and more buildings have installed automatic doors that open and shut on their own. EXCELLENT
- The COMPUTER keypad and mouse or touchpad are another breeding ground for germs. Buy a box of antiseptic wipes or sterile alcohol prep pads. The pads are small and come in pouches of a box of 25, 50, for example. Keep them at the computer and wipe the keys, the mouse or touch pad before and after use. Because they are small, they are easy to use to clean the keys. Wipe down your computer desk, even if you are the only person using it. Do this frequently. If you work in an office and use a computer, then it is essential that you take this precaution.
- You should use wipes whenever you go to the Public Library. It is a public place. Wipe down the computer before you use it.
- Dusting hardwood floors and furniture can improve your home environmental health. If you have carpet, vacuum frequently. Do not let dust collect on floors and furniture, especially where you sleep. Make sure the bedroom floor is dust free, whether you have carpet or hardwood floors. Dust can contribute to respiratory problems and, can aggravate asthma, not to mention provide a place for mites to live.
Hope this was helpful, thanks for reading my blog, goodtips